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(10.07.2023, As of 08.30)
Regarding the Excessive Rainfalls throughout the Country.
According to the information received from the Directorate General for Meteorology, a rainfall warning with Orange Code was issued for 13 provinces (Artvin, Bartın, Bolu, Düzce, Giresun, Kastamonu, Karabük, Ordu, Rize, Samsun, Sinop, Trabzon and Zonguldak) on 10 July 2023.
In the provinces where the warning was given, The Governor's Office and the Provincial AFAD Directorates in the provinces where the warning was issued were informed via a Message.
All citizens living in 15 provinces, which were warned with the orange code by AFAD Presidency, were informed via SMS.
Information is received periodically from the provinces with Orange coded warnings.
A total of 2 thousand 515 notifications have been received as a result of excessive rainfall so far.
A total of 4 thousand 328 personnel, including 449 search and rescue personnel, 25 divers, 2 helicopters and 439 heavy equipment were assigned to the region to support the works.
23 citizens were rescued by helicopters, and 570 citizens were rescued by boats and construction equipment.
The President of AFAD,1 Vice President, 1 General Manager, 4 Department Heads and 2 Provincial Directors have been assigned to Zonguldak, Bartın and Rize to coordinate the works.
• The rainfalls started on 08.07.2023 in the evening. Arıt town of Belge has received 201 kg rainfall, Amasra has received 183 kg and Central district of Bartın has received 139 kg.
• Excessive rainfalls continue in the region and 588 notifications have been received.
• 3 thousand 333 personnel, 80 motor pumps, 170 construction machines, 4 mud pumps, 13 submersible pumps, 1 helicopter, 156 vehicles, 20 ambulances, 11 rescue boats and 1 mobile catering vehicle continue to work across the region.
• 1 thousand 900 personnel were dispatched to the region by the Gendarmerie to support the efforts carried out in the region.
• 596 DSİ personnel were assigned to the region to support the efforts.
• 155 AFAD Volunteers and 40 Local Support Teams were assigned to the region.
• A total of 62 (JAK/SAK) personnel were assigned to the incident area as a result of the excessive rainfalls.
• Energy cannot be supplied to a total of 61 settlements in the central and Ulus districts.
• It has been notified that 26 village roads are closed to traffic. It has been informed that landslides have occurred at 32 different points throughout the province.
• 126 citizens were rescued by the helicopters, boats and construction equipment.
• A total of 29 citizens were evacuated, 3 in Kurucaşile district, 1 in Amasra and 25 in Central district. 3 citizens that were evacuated in Kurucaşile district are hosted in social facilities.
•. The Amasra tunnel has been temporarily closed. The Bartın Abdipaşa road, the İnkum Mugada road, the İnkum-Karasu road has been closed to traffic. The works continue.
• It has been learned that the Bartın-Karabük road, the Bartın-Zonguldak road and the Bosphorus entrance are closed to traffic from the İnkum road, Boğaz location and Karasu road junction.
• 29 damage has been repaired at 51 locations. The repair works continue at 22 locations.
• Excessive rainfall started on 08.07.2023 in the evening. 232.2 kg of rain fell in Zonguldak Radar Field and 201.2 kg in Beycuma Town.
• 890 notifications have been received so far and the AFAD teams and the Fire Department have responded to the notifications.
• Relief work continues in the incident area with 348 vehicles, 5 boats and 1 thousand 117 personnel within the scope of Zonguldak Governor's Office.
• 7 citizens were rescued by search and rescue teams.
• A total of 138 people, 98 in Devrek and 40 in Gökçebey District, were evacuated and placed in dormitories.
• Studies have been carried out in 9 regions throughout the province. It has been learned that 4 regions are closed to traffic whereas 5 regions are opened to traffic as a result of the opening works.
• Çaycuma-Bartın highway is closed to traffic.
• The Special Provincial Administration carried out works with 99 personnel and 45 construction machines in 124 villages. 224 km of village roads and 12 bridges were damaged.
• It was learned that Zonguldak Gökçebey and Devrek State Hospitals were flooded. The emergency services were out of use. 7 citizens who were still under treatment were transferred to other hospitals.
• 38 ambulances, 2 National Medical Rescue (UMKE) teams, 1 emergency response vehicle and 123 health staff were assigned to the region.
• It has been determined that 1 thousand 700 bee hives, 200 thousand poultries, 8 cattle, 2 thousand greenhouses and 37 thousand decare of cultivated area have been damaged throughout the province.
• 220,7 kg/m of precipitation fell in Yığılca, 144 kg/m in Çilimli, 90,7 kg/m in Akçakoca and 98,2 kg/m in the central district due to the excessive rainfalls in Düzce that started yesterday morning.
• 252 notifications have been received so far and responded by the AFAD and Municipality teams.
• Power cuts occurred in a total of 19 villages, 4 of which are in the center and 15 are located in Yığılca district.
• 24 village roads are closed to traffic in Yığlıca. Opening works continue on the village roads that are closed due to landslides.
• 97 agricultural laborers were evacuated and hosted in the central KYK dormitory. It has been learned that 474 citizens have been evacuated to safe areas.
• According to the information received by the authorities, a total of 397 personnel and 208 vehicles are working in the field.
• Due to the excessive rainfalls that occurred in Fatsa, 85.9 kg of precipitation fell in Fatsa and 122 kg in Persembe district.
• Excessive rainfall occurred in Fatsa, Altınordu and central districts of Ordu on 08.07.2023.
• It has been learned that landslides have occurred in 26 different regions throughout the province and the Ordu-Giresun Coastal Road is closed to traffic.
• 5 citizens that were trapped in the region were rescued.
• A total of 85 personnel work in the Altınordu to clean the flooded workplaces.
• Ordu Metropolitan Municipality continues its works to open roads in rural areas and drain water from workplaces and residences in the city center with 822 personnel and 290 construction machines.
• Altınordu Municipality continues to work on water evacuation, road clearing and cleaning works with 261 Personnel 55 Construction machines. The Highways personnel continue opening works with 35 Personnel 18 construction machinery.
• The Revenue Office continues to damage assessment studies with 44 personnel. As of yesterday 351 workplaces, 32 residences and 35 vehicles were assessed to be damaged.
• 601 notifications have been received so far. The response teams from the AFAD, the Fire Department, the Gendarmerie, the Security and the Municipality are working in the region.
• According to the information received from emergency medical service 112, 52 notifications have been received so far.
• Citizens living in 4 houses in Hacı Ahmet village and 5 houses in İnebolu Hayrioğlu village were evacuated to their relatives as a precautionary measure, 2 houses in Azkalaycı village in Şenpazar district and 2 houses in Korucak neighborhood have been evacuated as a precaution. Construction equipment is kept ready against possible negativities.
• Kastamonu, Ankara and İzmir Provincial AFAD has sent a total of 16 search and rescue personnel and assigned 3 Humanitarian Relief Foundation volunteers, 2 pick-ups, 2 search and rescue vehicles, 4 minibuses, 2 boats, 11 motor pumps, 1 mud pump and 1 submersible pump.
• The main water line of Cide has been damaged as a result of the heavy rainfalls. Potable water cannot be supplied to the city center.
• Derebucak village road and Cide-Kurucaşile highway have been closed to traffic as a precaution.
• Excessive rainfalls occurred in Samsun, Canik and Çarşamba districts on 08.07.2023.
• Rains continue in the region and the dead body of a citizen who was flooded has been found.
•4 notifications have been received so far. The response teams with 45 personnel and 3 boats from the Samsun Provincial AFAD are working in the region. The search and rescue efforts continue by search and rescue teams of the Fire Department, the Gendarmerie, the Security and the Municipality.
• All roads are open to traffic. There are no power cuts.
• Excessive rainfalls occurred throughout Artvin on 08.07.2023.
• Houses were flooded as a result of excessive rainfalls.
• 3 notifications have been received so far. The search and rescue works continue by the Artvin Provincial AFAD teams with 5 personnel and 2 boats).
• The Van Provincial Directorate of AFAD has assigned 5 personnel, 2 divers, 2 motor pumps, 5 pumps, 1 boat and 1 vehicle to the incident area.
•The Sinop Provincial Directorate of AFAD has assigned 9 personnel, the Ankara Provincial Directorate of AFAD has sent 5 personnel, 2 motor pumps and 2 vehicles to prevent the negative effects that may occur due to the excessive rainfalls expected throughout Sinop.
•, Houses and roads (Giresun-Ordu Coastal Highway) were flooded and citizens were stranded as a result of heavy rainfalls. Landslides, rock falls occurred in the Piraziz district of Giresun.
•5 notifications have been received so far. The search and rescue teams of the Municipality have responded to the notifications.
• 3 stranded citizens were rescued by the AFAD search and rescue teams.
• Floods occurred as a result of excessive rainfalls throughout Bolu.
• 77 notifications have been received. The AFAD and Gendarmerie teams have responded to the notifications.
• Rescue and relief works continue in the incident area by the Bolu Governorate with 138 vehicles, 4 motor pumps and 437 personnel.
• 51 floods, 30 strandings, 6 landslides occurred in the region. The 6 retaining wall has collapsed. The authorities responded to 2 traffic accidents. The teams continue to work in the field.
• 37 citizens affected by the excessive rainfalls were placed in dormitories and public guesthouses.
• The Mengen-Pazarköy road was closed to traffic as a result of excessive rainfalls.
• It has been learned that the Bolu Mountain Tunnel to İstanbul direction is open to traffic in a single lane.
• The Yeniçağ-Eskiçağ-Zonguldak road has been closed to traffic.
• Personnel and motor pump were assigned from Aksaray and Niğde Provincial AFAD Directorate.
• 26 notifications were received from 112 emergency medical service call centers due to excessive rainfalls that occurred in Karabük and its districts.
• It has been learned that the rescue efforts continue in the Kayadibi Village Cami localition, where 3 citizens were stranded due to the road collapse.
• We were notified that Gökçebey-Yenice road was closed to traffic due to flood damage.
• 1 AKT vehicle and 3 personnel were sent to the flooded area. 3 houses were evacuated in Kayadibi village.
• The Rize Provincial Directorate of AFAD is standby against the negativities that may occur due to the excessive rainfall expected throughout Rize with its 57 personnel and 1 boat.
• 17 notifications were received from 112 emergency medical service call centers due to excessive rainfalls that occurred in Trabzon and its districts.
• The Trabzon Provincial Directorate of AFAD is standby against the negativities that may occur due to the excessive rainfall expected throughout Trabzon with 22 personnel and 1 boat.
• There are no electricity and water cuts throughout the province.
• All roads are open to traffic.
We are following the updates.
Respectfully announced.
Press and Public Relations Department
© 2025 Official website of Republic Of Turkey Ministry Of Interior Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency