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Kanunun ilgili kişinin haklarını düzenleyen 11 inci maddesi kapsamındaki talepleri, Politika’da düzenlendiği şekilde, ayrıntısını Bakanlığımıza ileterek yapabilir. Talebin niteliğine göre en kısa sürede ve en geç otuz gün içinde başvuruları ücretsiz olarak sonuçlandırılır; ancak işlemin ayrıca bir maliyet gerektirmesi halinde Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu tarafından belirlenecek tarifeye göre ücret talep edilebilir.
(02.112020 - 09.00)
A total of 1148 aftershocks 43 of them measuring above 4 on the Richter scale took place in the aftermath of the earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale that occured on 30.10.2020 Friday at 14:51 local time at the Seferihisar coast of the Aegean Sea.
According to immediate information received from SAKOM, 79 people have died in the disaster. 743 of 972 injured were released from the hospitals while treatments of 219 people still continue.
It is reported that search and rescue activities continue in 8 collapsed buildings.
A total of 7.875 personnel, 21 search and rescue dogs and 1.090 vehicles from AFAD, JAK, NGOs and municipalities were assigned to carry out ongoing search and rescue activities in the area.
Search and rescue activities continue in all cities of the Aegean region and especially in İzmir. Moreover, the Turkish Armed Forces, Gendarme and Police Force have been carrying out search and rescue activities from the air with helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.
All Ministry and Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management Centers are on alert; teams from 41 Provincial AFAD Directorates arrived in the region. 7 cargo planes from the Chief of Staff are transporting personnel and vehicles to the disaster region. Search and rescue teams from JAK and nongovernmental organizations are also in the area. Coast Guard Command participated in the search and rescue activities with 186 personnel, 15 coast guard boats, 3 helicopters and 1 diving team.
According to the information received from the Coast Guard Command, 22 boats sank, 23 boats and 1 car were rescued by the Coast Guard teams while 43 boats were grounded. Rescue activities of Coast Guard Command continue in the area.
AFAD and the Turkish Red Crescent have sent a total of 3.545 tents, 57 general purpose tents, 24.382 blankets, 13.280 beds, 5.500 sleep sets, 2.657 kitchen sets and 4 shower-WC containers to the area in order to respond to the urgent accommodation needs.
Total of 1.864 tents have been put up in İzmir, 850 of them at the Aşık Veysel Recreation Area, 120 of them at the Aegean University campus, 210 of them at the Bornova Eskişehir Stadium, 194 at the Buca Hippodrome, 90 at the Sığacık town of Seferihisar district and remaining 248 at different spots while installation of 2.038 tents still continue in the disaster area.
Within the framework of food and beverage services, hot meals were served to 220,559 people. Moreover, 34,698 hot beverages, 7,916 cold beverages, 118,083 snacks and 68,414 bottles of water were served in the area.
A total of 1.166 personnel, 910 of them from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and 256 from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry were assigned to the area for damage detection activities.
269 personnel and 25 vehicles from psychosocial working group started working in the area and interviewed 1.542 people in 522 households. Moreover, 2 mobile social service vehicles arrived in the disaster area.
A total of 277 personnel, 245 of them being from the elite force and 32 from the traffic department were sent to the area in order to maintain security and traffic services. A total of 296 work machines and 328 personnel from technical support working team have been working in the earthquake area.
234 vehicles and 835 staff from UMKE and 112 Urgent Aid teams were assigned to carry out search and rescue activities in the region. According to the information received from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, there are no problems regarding the communication infrastructure. A total of 38 mobile base stations were sent to the area and installation of 30 of these stations were completed.
AFAD earmarked 13 million Turkish Liras, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services allocated 5 million Turkish Liras and the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization sent 6 million Turkish Liras to the region for the activities to be carried out in the disaster area.
It was decided that 30.000 Turkish Liras will be paid to per household to people whose homes have collapsed and could not reach their belongings. The Government will allocate 13.000 Turkish Liras to the owners of homes which have collapsed or heavily damaged and will pay 5.000 Turkish Liras in rent as transportation and rent allowance. The Governor’s Office will provide aid to shop owners in the coastal area of Seferihisar according to the results of damage assessment activities.
According to the Turkey Disaster Response Plan, all working groups under the coordination of AFAD affiliated to the Ministry of Interior Affairs started to work 7/24 in order to carry out uninterrupted search and rescue, health and support activities in the disaster area.
Citizens should not enter damaged buildings in the disaster area. Our citizens should not use their mobile phones unless there is an emergency. Babies, children, elderly and disabled people must be supported.
Developments and earthquake activity in the region are monitored 24/7 by AFAD.
Submitted to the attention of our people.
Press and Public Relations Department
© 2025 Official website of Republic Of Turkey Ministry Of Interior Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency